If you are looking for a complete guide to build an Imbert Gasifier. Look no further and order Bens book. We will support you here on our site for additional help with your build.
Get Bens Book here:
Get Bens book start a build thread here and you shall recieve help with your build by experts in this field.
You may also want to check out the Drive On Wood forum as well. You are also welcome there to create a build thread. https://forum.driveonwood.com/
BEWARE; there are scam artist out there copying this book and making claims of improvement and then charging outraguouse prices. Do not buy those books!! Ben's design is an Imbert Gasifier and designed specific to Imbert specifications. His work is based on years of gasifier and engine systems development. These guys are not developers, they cant even show a machine work let alone running an engine and have zero clue what they are doing. For instance one guy is claiming you can run charcoal in his machine. You CAN NOT RUN CHARCOAL in an Imbert Gasifier!! It WILL clink up and clog it in a heart beat and melt down the jet system!! He is trying to copy me as well in this regard. However he does not seem to understand or is not aware our technology has revisions and modifications to make that possible. If you buy from these scam artist best of luck to you. Everyone in the wood gas comunities know of these people and it will be unlikely anyone will help you if you require any assistance. Capitalizing on someone elses work and IP is not acceptable. Reguardless if you do it legally or not, this is still theft!! Do not support these thieves!!
There are many in the wood gas comunity that have succefully built Bens gasifier. I know some of them personally and these folks are a part of the "real" wood gas community. Not a make believe community that these scams want you to believe they are a part of. We have banned these individuals out of the wood gas community. Just so you know.
These forums and facebook groups are the real wood gas community; you wont see these people on any of them.
here are some examples of these counterfiet builds https://www.thriveoffgrid.net/forum/general-discussions/dont-be-fooled-by-videos-like-this
Also be careful with Youtube builds. Do not be naive! If it were this simple I myself and many others would be offering these systems. I could literally build a tube and stuff a jet into it and it will make wood gas full of tar. I could very easily run an engine with it long enough to get it on video for Youtube. Will you then be a believer?? I hope not, because a gasifier that simple will make nothing but tar and that engine after that video would surely need valve train repair. Building a gasifier is indeed easy; however, building a gasifier that wont produce tar, is practical to use and will run stable I assure you is far from it. Nor will it be cheap. FEMA plans are a complete waste of time, we have had countless people come on the DOW forum seeking help with those builds. They DONT WORK! Dont waste your time or money. If you are new to gasification do your self a huge favor and start with a simple Charcoal gasifier. We will support you here with those builds as well. Dont take it at face value its a lot easier than you may think and charcoal works best for small engines.
Once you have some experience with a charcoal unit. Then DIY a wood fueled system. I highly recommend to use Ben's book to aid you. You will then have a proven foundation to build from and will be successful. If you have any issues then you may come here for assistance or you can join the Drive On Wood forum. These forums are the real communities with tons of very experienced people with years of experience and some use systems daily!! These folks are more than willing to help you for free. We all started somewhere and this is how we are paying it forward as its our turn to aid the new comer. This is how you weed out the scams because we would never charge money for a work shop! Yes I produce complete systems for those that dont want to DIY. I do this full time and carry the market share. I produce an honest product that works; this is how I make my living. However I am more than happy to help you with a DIY project, its litterally why this forum exist in the first place. Not to mention I have done Youtube DIY videos and funded those builds out of my own pocket to basically give to you for free. I am also an active member of the Facebook groups and the Drive on Wood forum and do my best to aid others on those other platforms.